February 2024

Announcing Southfield!

We have revealed our next brand new IP, Southfield.

This frolicking fun farmstead sandbox, Southfield, is something we’ve been working hard on for a while now and we can’t wait to unleash it into the wild. 

The charming island of Southfield beckons you to channel your bounciest vibes and become one with the Bud, a mysterious creature that sprang from the soil. Grow weird and wonderful crops, play and build with an array of fun toys, and roll or race your friends across the ever-changing Island. Combine chaotic crops with unpredictable effects, build your dream farmstead, and experiment with playful machinery.

Already the game has been featured by RockPaperShotgun, TechRadar, and GamesRadar and the teaser trailer has gone down a storm on IGN, GameTrailers and other outlets. 

Southfield is the culmination of a huge amount of imagination, trial and error, and sheer hard work by the Radical Forge team. We wanted to create an ambitious, silly farming game with ridiculous characters in a fantastical world,” said Bruce Slater, CEO and Game Director 

Most of all, we wanted to build an island that generates fun’. And now we can get it into Early Access and see what you think. For me, this is where the game will take on a new life, and the players will take it in directions we can’t even imagine,” 

Southfield is funded by the Private Division Development Fund.

Wishlist Southfield on Steam today and follow Southfield on Twitter and TikTok.


Radical Forge

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